Napíšte hľadaný výraz, napr. Dominik Dán, Hobit, Ikar, alebo Slovart a potom stlačte klávesu Enter alebo použite tlačidlo Hľadať.
Aby sa láska zrodila, stačí len malá nádej. Nádej potom môže po dvoch alebo troch dňoch pominúť, no láska je už na svete.
Anglicky •2017•J. R. R. Tolkien•Harper Collins•Knihy
This special collector’s edition features all 12 parts of the series bound in three volumes. Each book includes a silk ribbon marker and is quarter-bo… viac »
Twelve books into three hardback volumes
Máme vo veľkosklade
Anglicky •2018•Thames & Hudson•Knihy
A Special Signed Collector’s Edition of Imagine John Yoko – the definitive inside story of the making of the legendary album and all that surrounded i… viac »
Nedá sa zohnať!
Anglicky •2018•Thames & Hudson•Hudba
A Collector's Edition of Imagine John Yoko - the definitive inside story of the making of the legendary album and all that surrounded it - personally… viac »
Na dopyt
Anglicky •2018•TASCHEN•Knihy
Three facsimile editions of Françoise Gilot’s travel sketchbooks, made between 1974 and 1981, combine the distinct atmospheres of Venice, India, and S… viac »
Anglicky •2017•SLOVART•Knihy
A Bigger Book, TASCHEN’s SUMO-sized David Hockney monograph, is as spectacular in format as it is in scope. In it, the artist takes stock of more than… viac »
Anglicky •2017•Daniel Humm;Will Guidara•SLOVART•Knihy
From the world's #1 dining destination, New York's three-Michelin-starred restaurant Eleven Madison Park, comes a limited edition, signed and numbered… viac »
Novinka - vychádza (dátum nie je určený)
Anglicky •2017•Charlotte Cotton•SLOVART•Knihy
Mert Alas, born in Turkey, and Marcus Piggott, born in Wales, met in 1994, at a party on a pier in Hastings, England. Piggott asked Alas for a light,… viac »
Collector’s Edition of 1000 copies
Anglicky •2016•Allen Jones; Josh Baker•SLOVART•Fotografia
Supermodel, entrepreneur, activist, provocateur. Since her teenage rise to stardom, Naomi Campbell has dazzled the world with her looks, her strength,… viac »
Anglicky •2015•Mario Testino;Patrick Kinmonth;Pierre Borhan•SLOVART•Knihy
“The way men are seen in photography, in fashion, and the way that men look at pictures of themselves has changed in recent years. It is a subject tha… viac »
Anglicky •2015•Jimmy Nelson•SLOVART•Knihy
This tribute to vibrant tribal cultures around the world is a must-have for any lover of documentary photograph Will resonate with readers on aestheti… viac »
Anglicky •Reuel Golden•SLOVART•Fotografia
The kind of fame and success The Rolling Stones have achieved in their 50-years and counting career is without parallel; their most famous riffs and c… viac »
Anglicky •Andy Summers•SLOVART•Knihy
Podmanivá kniha čiernobielych fotografií populárnej kapely Police stojí niekde medzi fotožurnalistikou a ilustrovaným denníkom. Andy Summers, autor fo… viac »
Anglicky •SLOVART•Knihy
Keť poviete Valentino, v mysli sa vám vybaví luxus, elegancia, či červené koberce. Módou najzbožňovanejší zástanca rafinovanej dekadencie, najvzrušujú… viac »
Anglicky •Rober Coover;Maureen Gibon;Jay McInerney•SLOVART•Knihy
Anglicky •Alison Castle•SLOVART•Knihy
For 40 years, Kubrick fans and film buffs have wondered about the director’s mysterious unmade film on Napoleon Bonaparte. Slated for production immed… viac »
Anglicky •Steve Martin;Graydon Carter;Hans Ulrich Obrist;Paul Roth•SLOVART•Knihy
When Benedikt Taschen asked the most important portrait photographer working today to collect her pictures in a SUMO-sized book, she was intrigued and… viac »
Anglicky •Norman Mailer;Bert Stern•TASCHEN•Knihy
TASCHEN has paired Mailer’s original text (his 1973 biography Marilyn) with Bert Stern’s extraordinary photographs—widely considered the most intimate… viac »