The Complete Golf Manual
Posledné kusy u vydavateľa. Dodané množstvo a termín negarantujeme.
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Kniha: The Complete Golf Manual
Covering every aspect of the game, this is the ultimate self-improvement guide for every player - from the novice to the experienced club golfer. Showing readers exactly what it takes to achieve an effective - and repeatable - golf swing, this book works systematically through every type of shot, from tee shots, iron play, pitching, and chipping, to coping with bunkers and putting. Each section includes a test to establish your level of ability and provides a series of progressive exercises designed to develop your technique.A section on the ten most common faults that can creep into your game shows you how to fix them quickly and efficiently. The Complete Golf Manual also shows you routines to help you think more decisively on the course and deal with high-pressure situations. An invaluable reference section advises you on buying equipment, including custom fitting, guides you through all-important golf etiquette, clearly explains golf's most important rules, and defines all the key golfing terms.
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- Katalógové číslo
- 374776
- Druh tovaru
- Kniha
- 9780241393352
- Jazyk
- Názov
- The Complete Golf Manual
- Autorstvo
- Steve Newell
- Dostupnost
- Posledné kusy u vydavateľa. Dodané množstvo a termín negarantujeme.
- Forma
- Tvrdá
- Rozmer
- 233 x 193 mm
- Sadzba DPH
- 5,00 %
- Cena MOC
- 21,50 €
- Zľava
- 6,00 %
- Stav
- Máme vo veľkosklade
- Reg. číslo FPU
- (info len pre knižnice)
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