Great Book of King Arthur

John Matthews

GBR Anglicky Harper Design International

Kniha: Great Book of King Arthur - John Matthews
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Kniha: Great Book of King Arthur

Foreword by Neil Gaiman

The worlds leading Arthurian authority reimagines one of the most beloved and influential legendsthe story of King Arthur and his Knightsfor a new century in this gorgeous keepsake edition, illustrated with luminous full-color paintings and drawings by internationally acclaimed Tolkien artist John Howe.

The stories of King Arthur and Merlin, Lancelot and Guinevere, Galahad, Gawain, Tristan and the rest of the Knights of the Roundtable, and the search for the Holy Grail have been beloved for centuries and are the inspiration of many modern fantasy novels, films, and shows. These legends began when an obscure Celtic hero named Arthur stepped on to the stage of history sometime in the sixth century, generating a host of oral tales that would be inscribed some 900 years later by Thomas Malory in his classic Morte DArthur (The Death of Arthur).

The Great Book of King Arthur brings these legends into the modern age, using accessible prose for contemporary readers for the first time. In addition to the stories in Morte DArthur, John Matthews includes many tales of Arthur and his knights either unknown to Malory or written in other languages, such as the story of Avenable, the girl brought up as a boy who becomes a famous knight; Morien, whose adventures are as fantastic and exciting as any found in Malorys work; and a retelling of the life of Round Table favorite Gawain, from his strange birth to his upbringing among the poor to his ascension to the highest positionEmperor of Rome.

In addition, there are some of the earliest tales of Arthur, deriving from the tradition of Celtic storytelling.The epic hero is represented in such powerful stories as The Adventures of Eagle-boy and The Coming of Merlin, which is based on the early medieval text Vita Merlini and tells a completely new version of the great enchanters story.

The Great Book of King Arthur includes 15 full-color paintings and 25 pencil drawings.

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Katalógové číslo
Great Book of King Arthur
John Matthews
Druh tovaru
246 x 189
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Sadzba DPH

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