Bordeaux 1855

GBR Anglicky Flammarion

Kniha: Bordeaux 1855
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Kniha: Bordeaux 1855

An illustrated travel guide to the finest wine châteaus of Bordeaux's Grands Crus Classés 1855 classification. This chic, richly illustrated, and practical guide features thirty-five wine châteaus in the prestigious Grands Crus Classés classification, producing the finest red and white wines in Bordeaux. The classification, created in 1855 to award official recognition to the most exceptional wines of the Médoc and Sauternes, remains today the ultimate reference and a universal standard in the wine world. Taking readers on a tour through the region to visit each château in turn, this guide presents a brief history of each estate, a description of the vineyard and the terroir, instructions for getting there, details of château stays, and various tours and wine-tasting and food-pairing sessions offered. Detailed introductions recount the 1855 classification and the celebrated wine region, and the book is completed with foldout maps featuring the thirty-five estates. This comprehensive and elegant guide with a foil-stamped and embossed cover is the ideal companion for wine aficionados planning a trip through the Bordeaux region, as well as wine-loving armchair travelers who want to enjoy their Bordeaux wines with discernment.

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Katalógové číslo
Bordeaux 1855
Druh tovaru
180 x 217
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