A Chronology of Art

Ian Zaczek

GBR Anglicky Thames & Hudson Ltd2024 Katalógové číslo: 507393

Posledné kusy u vydavateľa. Dodané množstvo a termín negarantujeme.
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Kniha: A Chronology of Art

An entirely fresh perspective on the history of western art that uses timelines to trace cultural development from prehistory to the present. Most surveys of the history of art come neatly packaged. They are divided up into historic periods, artistic schools and movements, and the careers of individual painters.They may make the subject appear more manageable, but they are oversimplifications. In reality, movements and careers overlapped and intertwined, reacting to events in the world around them. A Chronology of Art places the genuine developments of the art world into sharp focus.By prioritizing a purely chronological approach and side-stepping the clichés of conventional, academic pigeonholes, it presents an entirely fresh perspective on the subject. The book is structured around a central timeline, which features lavish illustrations of paintings, together with commentaries, and additional information about the social, political and cultural events of the period. The text is divided into four historical sections, becoming more detailed as it nears the present.From 1800 onward, each spread covers a five-year span, which is far more comprehensive than other surveys of this kind. The chronological spreads are interwoven with lively ‘In Focus’ features, highlighting social, stylistic and technical developments.

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Katalógové číslo
Druh tovaru
Rok vydania
GBR Anglicky
A Chronology of Art
Ian Zaczek
Posledné kusy u vydavateľa. Dodané množstvo a termín negarantujeme.
254 x 216
Sadzba DPH
5,00 %
Cena MOC
25,95 €
6,00 %
Máme vo veľkosklade
Reg. číslo FPU
(info len pre knižnice)

Ušetrite 2,92

Teraz oba tituly spolu len za 44,98

Kniha: A Chronology of Art - Ian Zaczek
Kniha: How to Write about Contemporary Art - Gilda Williams

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