Dead Island

Samuel Bjørk

GBR Anglicky Transworld2024 Katalógové číslo: 511052


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Kniha: Dead Island - Samuel Bjørk

Kniha: Dead Island

'Gives Jo Nesbo a run for his money money' Sunday Express'The latest Norwegian crime-writing sensation' Sunday Times'Superb... Genuinely gripping and with a wonderful heroine' Daily Mail_____________The latest instalment in the Munch and Kruger series from the bestselling author of I'm Travelling Alone.She'd once come here to kill herself but now Mia Kruger has returned to the picturesque island of Hitra to escape from the violence and madness of her life as a police investigator.But when she is approached by 11-year-old Sofia asking for help in finding her missing friend, her old instincts are awakened. Three years ago, Jonathan disappeared without a trace on his way home from Sofia's house.Mia is just beginning to re-examine the cold case when another crime rocks the island: a teenage girl is found brutally murdered, with Jonathan's name written in her blood.Knowing that the two cases are connected but unable to make the link, Mia calls in her former boss Holger Munch to join the investigation. When other bodies are discovered, tensions build in the apparently idyllic community, and Kruger and Munch must quickly learn to navigate the deadly maze of the island before the elusive killer claims their next victim.With characteristic cunning and psychological depth, Samuel Bjork pulls back a community's curtain of respectability to reveal the dark web of treachery and deceit that lies behind it._____________Readers love Samuel Bjork:'Ingenious''Simply terrific''Intelligent and gripping''Perfect for Scandi-Noir lovers'

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GBR Anglicky
Dead Island
Samuel Bjørk
234 x 153
Sadzba DPH
5,00 %
Cena MOC
18,95 €
6,00 %
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Samuel Bjørk

Predstavujeme: Samuel Bjørk

Samuel Bjørk je pseudonym nórskeho (Frode Sander Oien) dramatika a hudobníka. Za svoj literárny debut s názvom Cestujem sama (v češtine V lese visí anděl), získal medzinárodné uznanie. Frode Sander Oi viac...