Open When...

Julie Smith

GBR Anglicky Penguin Books2025 Katalógové číslo: 542515

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Kniha: Open When...


Start the New Year with fresh insights, renewed purpose, and strategies for personal development"This is the book for us all, for ourselves when we need to find a way through, for our children as they fly the nest, our friends that live out of reach, and for our family when we can't find the words to say."-----------------------------------------------------------------------This is the book for life's twists and turns, when being human starts to get complicated.A must-have companion to Dr Julie's international bestseller Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before?, which taught us the skills to strengthen our future mental health, Open When... is the book to turn to when you find yourself in the eye of the storm.Within this book are a series of Open When style letters from Dr Julie to help navigate the moments of overwhelm, confusion or self-doubt that we all face when life gets messy. Offering calm, clarity and a laser focus on the best way forward, each personal letter is followed by real-time tools that will help you re-frame the situation and decide on your next move.Every chapter covers a new scenario; universal problems that each of us will likely face at some point.So, whether you are experiencing stress, pressure to perform, dealing with difficult people, trying to fit in, making big decisions, arguments with your partner, or big emotions that are causing anxiety, Open When... brings the words you need to hear to get back on the front foot, feeling ready to take on everything life throws your way.---------------------------------------------------------------------------Praise for Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before?'Sound wisdom, easy to gulp down. I'm sure this book is already helping lots of people.' MATT HAIG, bestselling author of REASONS TO STAY ALIVE'A toolkit of deceptively simple strategies for life's troubles.Everyone could benefit from the wisdom of Dr Smith' i 'BEST NON-FICTION BOOKS OF 2022''Julie Smith is the psychology teacher you wish you'd had at school' EVENING STANDARD'This book is a goldmine. I truly treat it like a handbook now' STYLIST'It's real, it's authentic . .. Very practical and very, very helpful' LORRAINE KELLY'I'm blown away by her ability to communicate difficult ideas with ease, simplicity and practicality. Amazing.Go and buy it now!' Jay Shetty'If you want to feel like you have a therapist sitting across from you, empowering you with how to be your best self, this book is for you!' Nicole LePera, New York Times bestselling author of How to Do the Work'Full of sound, helpful advice with life skills, from building confidence to managing stress' Sunday Times

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Open When...
Julie Smith
Posledné kusy u vydavateľa. Dodané množstvo a termín negarantujeme.
234 x 153
Sadzba DPH
5,00 %
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21,95 €
6,00 %
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