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Slovensky •2024•Kahlil Gibran•Pezolt•Romány a novely
Prorokova záhrada Kahlila Gibrana je druhým dielom nerealizovanej trilógie. Všetci poznáme jeho dielo Prorok. Toto je prvý diel. Tretí diel s názvom P… viac »
Máme vo veľkosklade
Slovensky •2015•Kahlil Gibran•Citadella•Romány a novely
Vari neviete, že neexistuje iná vzdialenosť ako tá, ktorú nedokáže preklenúť duša vo svojom rozlete? A keď duša tú vzdialenosť preklenie, stane táto v… viac »
Anglicky •Kahlil Gibran•SLOVART•Romány a novely
Utterly unique and beloved around the world, The Prophet is a collection of twenty-six poetic essays by the Lebanese artist, philosopher and writer Kh… viac »
Anglicky •Chalíl Džibrán Kahlil Gibran•SLOVART•Romány a novely
"My all-time favorite collection of poems . . .[Gibran's] poetry always roots me in my humanity." --Rupi Kaur, #1 New York Times bestselling author of… viac »
A special and deluxe illustrated hardcover edition of the inspirational, million-copy bestselling classic. The perfect gift for anyone journeying and… viac »
•Kahlil Gibran•Nestor•Romány a novely
Malá biblia jednoduchej pravdy bez moralizovania obsiahnutá v každom ľudskom živote. Originálna umelecká ručná knihárska práca. viac »
Anglicky •2022/10•Kahlil Gibran•Penguin Books•Romány a novely
Introducing Little Clothbound Classics: irresistible, mini editions of short stories, novellas and essays from the world's greatest writers, designed… viac »
Na dopyt
Anglicky •2017•Kahlil Gibran•SLOVART•Romány a novely
One of the world’s favourite poets, Kahlil Gibran was never more profound than when he wrote about love. He believed it was the raison d’être of the u… viac »
Česky •2001•Kahlil Gibran•Pragma•Astrológia a záhady
Korunou pochopení stavby lidského těla – jeho anatomie – jsou bezesporu fotografické obrazy. Jsou-li navíc sestaveny do obsáhlého atlasu, stávají se j… viac »
Slovensky •1996•Kahlil Gibran•PEZOLT-PVD•Klasická literatúra
Zaisťujeme - dostupnosť od 20.3.2025, o 8 dní
Almustafa, the chosen and the beloved, who was a dawn unto his own day, had waited twelve years in the city of Orphalese for his ship that was to retu… viac »
Anglicky •Kahlil Gibran•Penguin Books
An inspirational guide to living that delivers spiritual, yet practical, homilies on a wide variety of topics central to daily life, including: love,… viac »
Nemecky •Kahlil Gibran•Anaconda Verlag•Cudzie jazyky
Die Parabeln und Gleichnisse des libanesischen Dichterphilosophen Khalil Gibran erzählen in betörend schlichter Sprache von der menschlichen Suche nac… viac »
Anglicky •Kahlil Gibran•Vintage Books
One of the most beloved spiritual classics of our time, Gibran's masterpiece, The Prophet, has sold millions of copies in more than forty languages si… viac »
Anglicky •Kahlil Gibran•Alma Books
Having lived in the city of Orphalese for twelve years, the revered Prophet is about to board a ship taking him back to the isle of his birth. Before… viac »