Man with a Blue Scarf
Posledné kusy u vydavateľa. Dodané množstvo a termín negarantujeme.
Máme vo veľkosklade
13 vernostných bodov
Kniha: Man with a Blue Scarf
Lucian Freud (1922-2011), widely regarded as the greatest figurative painter of our time, spent seven months painting a portrait of the art critic Martin Gayford. The daily narrative of their encounters takes us into that most private place, the artist's studio, and to the heart of the working methods of this modern master - both technical and subtly psychological. From this emerges an understanding of what a portrait is, but something else is also built up: a portrait, in words, of Freud himself.Full of wry and revealing observations, this is a book not quite like any other: the inside story of how it feels to pose for a remarkable artist, and be transformed into a work of art.
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- Katalógové číslo
- 367368
- Druh tovaru
- Kniha
- 9780500295182
- Jazyk
- Názov
- Man with a Blue Scarf
- Autorstvo
- neuvedené
- Dostupnost
- Posledné kusy u vydavateľa. Dodané množstvo a termín negarantujeme.
- Forma
- Mäkká
- Rozmer
- 198 x 129 mm
- Sadzba DPH
- 5,00 %
- Cena MOC
- 13,95 €
- Zľava
- 6,00 %
- Stav
- Máme vo veľkosklade
- Reg. číslo FPU
- (info len pre knižnice)
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