The ECAL Manual of Style

GBR Anglicky Phaidon Press Ltd

Kniha: The ECAL Manual of Style
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Kniha: The ECAL Manual of Style

The story and teachings of one of the world's most creative design schools, as told by its teachers, alumni, and student projects - the ideal book for educators and students alike, posing the question 'How should design be taught today?'Swiss university ECAL is widely considered to be among the leading art and design institutions of the past two decades. Here, for the first time, ECAL's teaching methods are revealed to a wider readership. The book poses the question 'How should design be taught today?' to select designers, critics, and writers, and the answers highlight the school's unique approach to design pedagogy: encouraging individual and personal styles, and rigorously pushing them to develop into their most coherent forms.This is the only book to explain ECAL's innovative teaching methods, which encourage students to be business minded as well as creative.

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Katalógové číslo
The ECAL Manual of Style
Druh tovaru
270 x 205
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Posledné kusy u vydavateľa. Dodané množstvo a termín negarantujeme.
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