The Man Who Planted Trees

Jean Giono

GBR Anglicky Vintage Classics

Kniha: The Man Who Planted Trees - Jean Giono
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Kniha: The Man Who Planted Trees

VINTAGE EARTH is a collection of novels to transform our relationship with the natural world. 'And so, with great care, he planted his hundred acorns'In 1910, while hiking through the wild lavender in a wind-swept, desolate valley in Provence, a man comes across a shepherd called Elzeard Bouffier. Staying with him, he watches Elzeard sorting and then planting hundreds of acorns as he walks through the wilderness.Ten years later, after surviving the First World War, he visits the shepherd again and sees the young forest he has created spreading slowly over the valley. Elzeard's solitary, silent work continues and the narrator returns year after year to see the miracle he is gradually creating: a verdant, green landscape that is a testament to one man's creative instinct. VINTAGE EARTH is a series of books that reveals our ever-changing relationship with the environment.These are stories old and young, set in worlds real or imagined, that allow us to explore our connection to the natural world. Transformative, wild, surprising and essential, these novels take on the most urgent story of our times.

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Katalógové číslo
The Man Who Planted Trees
Jean Giono
Druh tovaru
198 x 129
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