Desi Kitchen

Sarah Woods

GBR Anglicky Michael Joseph

Kniha: Desi Kitchen - Sarah Woods
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Kniha: Desi Kitchen

Pre-order today. 'Brimming with soul, deliciousness and cultural curiosity, Sarah Woods' Desi Kitchen is an utter delight and a total revelation. Moreish, authoritative and illuminating, it feels like a much needed celebration of both South Asian diaspora cuisine and multicultural Britain as a whole.I couldn't get enough of it.' JIMI FAMUREWA'Beautiful book, great recipes, really well written and original' PRUE LEITHDesi Kitchen is an evocative visual feast that speaks to your very heart. The mouth-watering recipes leap off the page and I am left wanting to bookmark nearly every dish' LARA LEE, author of Coconut and Sambal'I've longed for a book like this. A map that locates and explores the culinary heritage of the diaspora of the Indian subcontinent in Britain, how its been maintained and how it's evolving to absorb other influences.A fascinating read with glorious recipes' DIANA HENRY____________Desi Kitchen is a unique culinary roadmap to the diaspora of the Indian subcontinent in Britain today, with chapters covering regions from all over the UK and the desi communities that call each one home. Travelling from the Pakistani community of Glasgow to the Nepalese community of Kent and everywhere in between, the book explores how communities from different regions have blended their food and culture to create a cuisine that is distinct, special and diverse. From a Whole Roast Tandoori Chicken Dinner to Onion Bhaji Scotch Eggs and a Neeps and Tatties Keema Pie, these recipes are an exploration and celebration of the desi cuisines that make up modern Britain.- Cook Gujarati Hasselback Potato Shaak for an alternative take on a side dish- Make a Ugandan Chapatti Rolex for a great way to use leftover curry- Sticky and Spicy Mango Chicken Wings are quick and easy to make and finger licking good- Try Welsh Chilli Rarebit with curry oil and crispy shallots- Dive into Peshawari Bread and Butter Pudding with honeyed figsPacked with recipes, stories and authentic voices from each of the communities covered, Sarah Woods, finalist of BBC One's Britain's Best Home Cook and herself a second-generation Punjabi, has brought together this collection of dishes and provided a rare and privileged glimpse into desi kitchens from all over modern Britain. ____________'A mesmerising cookbook filled with gorgeous recipes from Desi kitchens all over modern Britain' ATUL KOCHHAR

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Desi Kitchen
Sarah Woods
Druh tovaru
254 x 197
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