White Fox

Owen Matthews

GBR Anglicky Bantam Press

Kniha: White Fox - Owen Matthews
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Kniha: White Fox

1963. In a desolate Russian penal colony, the radio blares the news of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy...Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Vasin's new post as director of a gulag camp in the middle of a frozen tundra is far from a promotion.This is where disgraced agents, like Vasin, are disappeared - sent to die forgotten. And quietly. But tensions in the camp are running high and when a violent revolt breaks out, Vasin finds himself on the run.With him is a mysterious prisoner - who holds the key to the most dangerous secret in the world: who ordered Kennedy's murder.In a breathless race that takes them through the Soviet Union - from the barren Siberian wastelands to the stunning halls of the Catherine Palace, and into the gritty streets of Leningrad and Moscow - Vasin must stay one step ahead of the deadliest spy and police organizations in the world . . .and keep the most wanted man in Russia alive. The journey will push Vasin's loyalty, morality and his patriotism to the limit. And he must confront the ultimate choice: fall in line, or die fighting the system.With masterful storytelling that weaves together a explosive moment in history with the cutthroat machinations of Soviet politics, Owen Matthews' White Fox captures the paradigm-shifting assassination from a unique Soviet point of view.This is a page-turning thriller across Russia, where characters facing impossible odds are forced to decide between truth, justice and all-out war.

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Katalógové číslo
White Fox
Owen Matthews
Druh tovaru
234 x 153
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