Dune Messiah

Frank Herbert

GBR Anglicky Orion Books Katalógové číslo: 486145

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Kniha: Dune Messiah

'An astonishing science fiction phenomenon' WASHINGTON POSTThe ground-breaking and extraordinary sequel to Dune, the greatest science fiction novel of all time.Paul Atreides has succeeded in his crusade against House Harkonnen and Emperor Shaddam IV himself, but his victory has had profound consequences. War has been brought to the entire known universe, and billions have already perished.While former allies conspire to remove him from the throne, Paul accepts a gift from the Tleilaxu, a guild of genetic manipulators, hoping to find a single spark of peace and friendship amidst the betrayal and chaos around him. But this act may cost him the support of the Fremen, his most ardent supporters, and threaten the very existence of his new empire.As matters escalate, Paul will be forced to choose between his throne, his wife, his people and his future - and determine the fate of the entire universe.Read the series which inspired the 2021 Denis Villeneuve epic film adaptation, Dune, starring Oscar Isaac, Timothee Chalamet, Zendaya and Josh Brolin. Its breath-taking sequel, Dune: Part Two, is due for release in March 2024.Dune reading order:DuneDune MessiahChildren of DuneGod Emperor of DuneHeretics of DuneChapterhouse Dune

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Dune Messiah
Frank Herbert
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Frank Herbert

Predstavujeme: Frank Herbert

Frank Herbert (*8. 10. 1920 Tacoma, Washington – †11. 2. 1986) bol americký sci-fi spisovateľ. Vyštudoval University of Washington v Seattli. Pred kariérou profesionálneho spisovateľa vystriedal mnoho viac...